
1.4 KiB

Godot version notice

You'll want to make sure you're on the latest version of Godot 4 when using TBLoader, since that's what we're aiming to support!


To install TBLoader, you can either install it through AssetLib (search for "TrenchBroom Loader"), or by downloading a release from Github and extracting it to your project's addons folder, so that you have a structure like this:


You might have to manually enable the plugin from your project settings. In the Godot editor, click on Project -> Project Settings, and go to the Addons tab. Check the "Enable" box next to TBLoader.

To build a level's geometry, create a TBLoader node in your scene hierarchy. In the properties of the node you can select where your .map file is located, plus some more useful settings. With the node still selected and the 3D view open, you will see a button Build Meshes in the toolbar the 3D view. Click that button to build the geometry.

TrenchBroom game config

The tb-gameconfig folder contains a game configuration for this addon. This includes a simple FGD which will have some common entities that create Godot nodes. Simply place the files in a folder called Godot inside the games folder of your TrenchBroom installation, so you would have games/Godot/<files>.