using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace GamerServices { public class Networker { public MrAG.Networking.TCPClient Connection; public FormMain Main; public Networker(FormMain mainform){ Main = mainform; } public bool Initialize() { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("Games")) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("Games"); try { Connection = MrAG.Serverlist.Connect("", 2222, false); Connection.DebugMode = false; Main.Connected = true; #region packets // 0-2: User related packets Connection.Packets[0] = new Action(Packet_00); // Login Connection.Packets[1] = new Action(Packet_01); // Logout Connection.Packets[2] = new Action(Packet_02); // Ping/pong // 3 - 9 Friends & chatting Connection.Packets[3] = new Action(Packet_03); // List Friends Connection.Packets[4] = new Action(Packet_04); // Friend online change Connection.Packets[5] = new Action(Packet_05); // Friend Chatmessage Connection.Packets[6] = new Action(Packet_06); // Friend request (server > client = username, client > server = username + bool) Connection.Packets[7] = new Action(Packet_07); // Friend Add friend Connection.Packets[8] = new Action(Packet_08); // Friend Start/exit game // 10-29: Game related packets Connection.Packets[10] = new Action(Packet_10); // List Games Connection.Packets[11] = new Action(Packet_11); // Game Update (client > server = GameID) Connection.Packets[12] = new Action(Packet_12); // Game Achievements (client > server = GameID) Connection.Packets[13] = new Action(Packet_13); // Game Leaderboard (client > server = GameID) Connection.Packets[14] = new Action(Packet_14); // Game Login (client > server = GameID, SessID, APIKey, Identifier) Connection.Packets[15] = new Action(Packet_15); // Game ServerList // 30 - 39: General Connection.Packets[30] = new Action(Packet_30); // Message Connection.Packets[31] = new Action(Packet_31); // Avatar request // 40 - 9001: Returns Connection.Packets[42] = new Action(Packet_42); // Game Leaderboard submit return #endregion } catch(Exception e) { string text = ""; if (System.IO.File.Exists("error.txt")) { text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("error.txt"); } text += "[" + e.Source + "] " + e.Message + "\r\n\tStacktrace: " + e.StackTrace + "\r\n\tHelpLink: " + e.HelpLink + "\r\n\tTargetsite: " + e.TargetSite + "\r\n\tType: " + e.GetType().FullName + "\r\n\r\n"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText("error.txt", text); return false; } return true; } public void Update() { try{ this.Connection.Update(); }catch(Exception e){ try { Connection.Send(1, 0); Connection.Connection.Close(); } catch { } Connection = null; Main.Connected = false; Main.Username = ""; Main.Sessionkey = ""; lock (Main.Friends) { foreach (Friend f in Main.Friends) { if (f.ChatWindow != null) f.ChatWindow.Close(); } } lock (Main.Games) { foreach (Game g in Main.Games) { g.ForceStop = true; } } Main.Hide(); Main.FormLogin.Enabled = true; Main.FormLogin.textPassword.Text = ""; Main.FormLogin.connected = false; Main.FormLogin.Show(); Main.Error("Lost connection to GamerServices.\nPlease try reconnecting."); } } public void Login(string user, string pass) { Connection.Send(0, 0, user, pass); } public void Logout() { if (this.Main.Connected) this.Connection.Send(1, 0); } public string MD5(string input) { System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider x = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); byte[] bs = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input); bs = x.ComputeHash(bs); foreach (byte b in bs) { s.Append(b.ToString("x2")); } return s.ToString().ToLower(); } #region User public void Packet_00(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { bool Success = p.ReadBool(); Main.FormLogin.Enabled = true; if (Success) { Main.Sessionkey = p.ReadString(); Main.Username = Main.FormLogin.textUsername.Text; Main.Settings_Username = Main.Username; if (Main.FormLogin.checkRememberMe.Checked) Main.Settings_Password = Main.FormLogin.textPassword.Text; else Main.Settings_Password = ""; Main.FormLogin.Hide(); Main.Show(); Main.Focus(); Main.trayIcon.Visible = true; this.Connection.Send(10, 0); this.Connection.Send(3, 0); } else { Main.FormLogin.textPassword.Text = ""; } this.Connection.Send(15, 0, "FOREVER ABLOM"); } public void Packet_01(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { } public void Packet_02(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { Connection.Send(2, 1); } #endregion #region Friends public void Packet_03(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { short loops = p.ReadShort(); for (short i = 0; i < loops; i++) { string name = p.ReadString(); int userID = p.ReadInt(); string avatar = p.ReadString(); bool online = p.ReadBool(); short gameid = online ? p.ReadShort() : (short)-1; this.Main.AddFriend(name, userID, online, avatar, gameid); if (online && gameid != 0) { Game g = Main.GetGame(gameid); if (g != null) Main.Popup(name, "Is now playing " + g.Name, 0, 1); } } } public void Packet_04(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { int userid = p.ReadInt(); bool on = p.ReadBool(); Friend f = Main.GetFriend(userid); if (f != null) f.SetOnline(on); } public void Packet_05(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { int user = p.ReadInt(); string msg = p.ReadString(); Friend f = Main.GetFriend(user); if (f == null) return; f.ChatMessage(msg); f.ChatWindow.Flash(); if (!f.ChatWindow.ContainsFocus) Main.Popup(f.Username, msg, 1, 1); } public void Packet_06(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { string user = p.ReadString(); Main.AddFriendRequest(user); } public void Packet_07(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { string name = p.ReadString(); int userID = p.ReadInt(); string avatar = p.ReadString(); bool online = p.ReadBool(); this.Main.AddFriend(name, userID, online, avatar, -1); } public void Packet_08(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { int user = p.ReadInt(); bool ingame = p.ReadBool(); short gameid = ingame ? p.ReadShort() : (short)-1; Friend f = Main.GetFriend(user); if (f == null) return; if (ingame){ Game g = Main.GetGame(gameid); f.GameID = g.GameID; if (g != null) Main.Popup(f.Username, "Is now playing " + g.Name, 0, 1); }else{ Game g = Main.GetGame(f.GameID); if (g != null) Main.Popup(f.Username, "Stopped playing " + g.Name, 0, 1); } } #endregion #region Game public void Packet_10(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { int loops = p.ReadInt(); Main.Games = new Game[loops]; for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { Game newGame = new Game(Main); newGame.Identifier = p.ReadString(); newGame.Name = p.ReadString(); newGame.GameID = p.ReadShort(); newGame.Description = p.ReadString(); newGame.MainExe = p.ReadString(); newGame.IsDevUser = p.ReadBool(); short tmpport = newGame.GameID; while (tmpport > 10) tmpport -= 10; newGame.GamePort = (byte)tmpport; newGame.Status = System.IO.Directory.Exists("Games/" + newGame.GameID) ? Game.GameStatus.INSTALLED : Game.GameStatus.UNINSTALLED; if (newGame.Status == Game.GameStatus.INSTALLED) { if (System.IO.File.Exists("Games/" + newGame.GameID + "/version.txt")) newGame.Version = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Games/" + newGame.GameID + "/version.txt"); else newGame.Version = "0.0.0"; Connection.Send(11, 3, newGame.GameID); Connection.Send(12, 3, newGame.GameID); Connection.Send(13, 3, newGame.GameID); } Main.Games[i] = newGame; } Main.SortGames(); } public void Packet_11(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { string serverver = p.ReadString(); short gameID = p.ReadShort(); string ownver = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Games/" + gameID + "/version.txt"); //if (serverver != ownver) if (!Main.Downloader.UpdateParser(gameID, ownver)) Main.Error("Could not update game " + Main.GetGame(gameID).Name + ", no version file found."); } public void Packet_12(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { short GameID = p.ReadShort(); int loops = p.ReadInt(); Game g = Main.GetGame(GameID); if (g == null) { // Lets still read out all the crap its sending >.> for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { p.ReadInt(); p.ReadString(); p.ReadString(); p.ReadShort(); p.ReadInt(); p.ReadInt(); } } else { g.Achievements.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { Game.Achievement a = new Game.Achievement(); a.ID = p.ReadInt(); a.Name = p.ReadString(); a.Desc = p.ReadString(); a.Points = p.ReadShort(); a.CurProg = p.ReadInt(); a.TargetProg = p.ReadInt(); a.Hash = MD5(a.Name + a.Desc).Substring(0, 10); g.Achievements.Add(a); } } } public void Packet_13(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { short GameID = p.ReadShort(); int looperdieloops = p.ReadInt(); Game g = Main.GetGame(GameID); if (g == null) { for (int i = 0; i < looperdieloops; i++) { p.ReadInt(); p.ReadString(); p.ReadString(); p.ReadString(); } } else { Main.GetGame(GameID).LeaderBoards = new Game.Leaderboard[looperdieloops]; for (int i = 0; i < looperdieloops; i++) { g.LeaderBoards[i] = new Game.Leaderboard(); g.LeaderBoards[i].ID = p.ReadInt(); g.LeaderBoards[i].Name = p.ReadString(); g.LeaderBoards[i].Desc = p.ReadString(); g.LeaderBoards[i].Identifier = p.ReadString(); } } } public void Packet_14(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { short GameID = p.ReadShort(); Game g = Main.GetGame(GameID); if (g == null) { p.ReadBool(); return; } bool access = p.ReadBool(); if (access) { g.APIStatus = Game.GameAPIReturn.YES; } else { g.APIStatus = Game.GameAPIReturn.NO; } } public void Packet_15(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { int count = p.ReadInt(); if (this.Main.CurrentPlayingGame != null && this.Main.CurrentPlayingGame.GetAPIConnection() != null && this.Main.CurrentPlayingGame.GetAPIConnection().Connected) { MrAG.Networking.Packet gp = this.Main.CurrentPlayingGame.GetAPIConnection().Connection; gp.Start_Send(); gp.AddByte(7); gp.AddInt(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { gp.AddString(p.ReadString()); gp.AddInt(p.ReadInt()); gp.AddString(p.ReadString()); gp.AddString(p.ReadString()); gp.AddInt(p.ReadInt()); gp.AddInt(p.ReadInt()); } gp.Finish_Send(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { p.ReadString(); p.ReadInt(); p.ReadString(); p.ReadString(); p.ReadInt(); p.ReadInt(); } } } #endregion #region General public void Packet_30(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { string title = p.ReadString(); string msg = p.ReadString(); byte type = p.ReadByte(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None; switch (type) { case 0: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk; break; case 1: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error; break; case 2: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation; break; case 3: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Hand; break; case 4: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information; break; case 5: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None; break; case 6: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question; break; case 7: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Stop; break; case 8: icon = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning; break; } Main.Error(title, msg, icon); } public void Packet_31(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { string user = p.ReadString(); string url = "http://" + "" + p.ReadString() + "?s=64"; Main.CurrentPlayingGame.GetAPIConnection().Connection.Send(6, 9 + url.Length + user.Length, user, url); } #endregion #region Returns public void Packet_42(MrAG.Networking.Packet p) { Main.CurrentPlayingGame.GetAPIConnection().Connection.Send(3, 0, p.ReadInt()); } #endregion } }